Monday, September 7, 2020

Will telehealth momentum help the oldest adults during Covid-19?

What happens when people avoid health-related in-person care? Nearly a third of older adults, according to a National Council on Aging post, are foregoing visits to emergency rooms, afraid of contracting the virus, or avoiding outpatient visits, afraid of catching Covid-19 or concerned about cost of care.  And the cumulative number of lost visits since mid-March continues to grow.   Family concerns about health and Covid-19 also continue to delay or prevent some move-ins to senior living communities.  Presumably, some avoidance is occurring even in circumstances where there is a pressing need for a move, such as worsening dementia.  But is telehealth really viable for the oldest? 

Do the oldest have Broadband access?  Although a telehealth visit can be held via a phone call or FaceTime today, eventually its use will require more secure tools and likely will require broadband or a smartphone. According to Pew Research’s 2019 survey, 59% of the 65+ have broadband in the home.  This probably includes the 31% of the 65+ surveyed in April who said that access to the Internet was essential.  And as one article noted, the higher surveyed number (67%) accessing the Internet includes those who do so in a library or senior center – and  most of those in the US are currently closed.  One of the factors in having broadband at home is the ability to pay the $65/month to access it.  And when people get ready argue about how it can be really cheap, as little as $10/month, this article notes that this is location-dependent, and in some cases, income dependent.

Do the oldest have devices that enable FaceTime or other Internet-based connection? According to AARP’s 2020 report, 62% of those age 70+ have smartphones (more than have broadband in the home).  The average price of a smartphone today has ‘fallen’ to $503, and there are those (possibly including the vendors themselves by now) that smartphones have become too expensive, with only 10% of people willing to spend $1000 or more.  When they say vendors are changing strategies, they mean new phones can be bought for $750.  Unless the population aged 75+ is working (fewer than 10%) or has substantial savings, the $750 phone will be out of reach.

Who is training or helping the oldest benefit from telehealth?  So let’s say the oldest live in a household where there is a computer or smartphone and knowledge of how to use them for a telehealth visit. Or they live where someone is motivated to help them do so, perhaps a family member, staff in senior housing or a nursing home, or a home health worker. Let’s assume that for now, AARP has halted its regional training (18 locations) and the OATS center-based training is also halted. A few other options, like this one to get online, or for those who are online, check out this guide from AARP which includes reasons why telehealth matters.

from Tips For Aging In Place

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