Thursday, September 14, 2017

Irma: hurricanes, tech and older adults – what can be learned?

First there was too much information.  At the forecasters became more insistent that Irma would hit Florida – the state with the highest percentage of older adults -- as a Category 5 hurricane, many of the possibly 4 million older adult residents appeared to leave first – when the highways were still passable. Then more tried to leave and were stuck in monumental traffic jams.  Finally, there were the stalwarts determined to stay, in the Keys, in Miami, in Bonita Springs, in Jacksonville. And for senior living communities, evacuation seemed near-impossible. Ultimately for some with no place to go – and no help – they died

Then there was not enough information.  As the hurricane roared in, even the charged cell phone batteries (4-5 days typical time) began to die. Perhaps the smartphone users followed all of the pre-Hurricane tips and they were well-connected at all times.  But news reports showed numerous elderly with no place to go – and no power.  And families unable to reach them. In sweltering temperatures, in 15,000 communities of elderly no working elevators, no power for electric wheelchairs or oxygen machines – not just nursing homes, but so-called 55+ (active adult!) communities like Century Village.   And worse in areas of flooding, badly damaged property, or inaccessible homes.

For the elderly, more tech could have been useful. Monday-morning quarterbacks will have lots advice.  Generators for backup power  -- it seems like it will be tough to market without one to prospects of senior living communities.  Land lines, rapidly disappearing, should rapidly reappear and be offered at low cost for all older adults – during power outages they mostly work.  For individuals, external phone batteries and connectors, Not just a phone, a tablet, chargers, but how about a charged (even an old one) laptop with 12 hours of remaining battery after the power goes out. And medication reminder/dispenser technology? Hmmm.

Looking ahead – cool innovations need some hurricane context.  We all should be looking ahead – given Harvey and Irma, although Amazon has likely spent no time thinking about its Echo line and power outages, how about that 18-Hour Boot Battery for the Echo? Okay, Google, how about something similar for Google Home? Or let’s see more vendors surpass the 22-hour battery pack capacity for cell/smart phones.  And while we’re at it, tech training programs on the use of cell phones and smartphones need to amp up the focus on keeping them charged, but also about higher horsepower phones and the need to own and carry battery packs for unlikely but possible emergencies – like evacuations.  Even with the smartest phone and cautious user, a 24-hour day without charging is still a dream.  Thoughts welcome.

from Tips For Aging In Place

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