Monday, July 10, 2017

Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Adults

If you’ve been dealing with aches and pain for any time, you may need to look at your overall lifestyle and how you’re eating. Everyday habits of living have a huge impact on how we feel day to day and your health in general.

We’ve all heard it before but, for many, attention is not paid to the little things in life. These are probably some of the same things you hear in the back of your mind (in your mother’s voice no doubt) about how to stay healthy and happy.

Have a look at the following stories and don’t skip the video at the end. Start with one or two things you read or hear and try to work them into your daily routine. It may take a week or so, but, you’ll feel better that you started.


Tips To Stay Healthy Throughout Your Life


today.comGeorge Jedenoff can’t believe he’s 100 years old and if you watch his birthday party, you’ll agree. He marked the big day this month by skiing in the summer snow.

“I couldn’t find a better present on my 100th birthday,” Jedenoff, who has been whooshing down mountains for 57 years, told a crowd of fans gathered on the slopes of the Snowbird ski resort in Utah.

Born in Russia on July 5, 1917, Jedenoff came to the U.S. in 1923 after his family fled the Russian Revolution and settled on the West Coast. He graduated from Stanford University, where he met his wife, “the most important thing in my life,” he said. They married in 1943.

What keeps him going? Here are his four rules for a good, long, healthy life:

Jedenoff and his wife have been married for 74 years. “She is the best thing that ever happened to me in my whole life,” he said.

For the last 30 years, Jedenoff has made it a priority to exercise every single morning.

He uses some “junky equipment” in his home to work out, but it’s not important what kind of equipment you have — the main goal is to work your muscles with resistance training, he said. Jedenoff does exercises for his legs, arms, abs and back. He also gets his heart pumping with the help of a few cardio machines or by jogging on his patio. His daily routine takes about 45 minutes.

Make sure to balance your life and include meaning as well as pleasure, Jedenoff advised.

Read more…


A Few Very Simple Steps Can Lead To A Healthier Lifestyle

More than ever people are choosing healthier lifestyles, and why wouldn’t they when it’s something we should all be aiming for in order to look, feel and be as good as we can.

And it’s not too difficult to do.

Incorporating simple health-supporting habits into your daily routine will assist you with prevention, so Skin Online pointed out five routines to get you started:

– Put sugar on hold “forever”

Simply put, sugar is as toxic as poison to the body, it undermines all the bodies natural processes and raises the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. Sugar is the number one cause of inflammation in the body and as such should be avoided at all costs. The challenge is finding foods that exclude sugar, mainly because it’s a key ingredient in just about every processed food imaginable.

Healthy lifestyles include whole foods, as in that which grows in the ground, goes bad if not refrigerated, or has a limited shelf life—so, yes, not those foods which are so man-made that they do not perish. Instead of worrying about food labels and all the unpronounceable ingredients on them, rather choose fresh and organic produce. Make your own soups and sauces, so that you can control the ingredients and avoid any packaged foods.

Modern life and office jobs make for a sedentary lifestyle, making exercise a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. If you’re a beginner, why not hit the gym, or even better hit the great outdoors and start by walking at lunchtime or after dinner? At the office, commit to moving five minutes out of every hour, be it a lap around the office, a bathroom break or even fetching your favourite drink of choice.

– Sleep a little longer

Sleep is not overrated. In fact, studies now show that proper sleep is more important than ever before. It’s time to relearn and re-implement what was once the norm – in other words, a minimum of eight hours sleep per day.



Healthy Eating Tips For Adults


See original post here: Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Adults

from Back Pain Relief,

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