Monday, January 2, 2023

Understanding Parkinson's Disease Better - For Normal People

Caregivers for Parkinson's patients generally have many, many questions. They want to know "How to understand Parkison's better?", "How do you check for Parkinson's disease?", "What are the possible causes of Parkinson's disease?", or even, "How do you feed someone with Parkinson's disease?".  

The reason for all of these types of questions is that health care providers don't seem to take the time to educate the family about the disease and it's prognosis.  Another reason for the many questions about Parkinson's is that many families and patients may simply be in denial about the disease.  And it is terrible disease that can take bad turns with dementia and complete immobility.

I've written a brief overview for families and encourgage those affected to research and learn about the disease to better care for the patient and maximize their quality of life and that of the family.